Create Graduate Theological Union degree, Buy GTU diploma.

Graduate Theological Union diploma
Graduate Theological Union degree, Order a GTU diploma.

The Graduate Theological Union (GTU) is a consortium of eight private American seminaries and eleven centers and affiliates. Where to make Graduate Theological Union degree? Order a Graduate Theological Union diploma. Seven of the seminaries are located in Berkeley, California. GTU was founded in 1962 and its students can take classes at the University of California, Berkeley. In addition, some GTU affiliate schools are part of other California universities, such as Santa Clara University (Jesuit Seminary) and California Lutheran University (Pacific Lutheran Seminary).

GTU offers Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) and Master of Arts (MA) degrees in partnership with its member seminaries. GTU affiliate seminaries offer Th.M., M.Div., Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.), STB, STL, and STD degrees. GTU also offers non-degree certificates in Interfaith Ministry and Interfaith Studies. Doctoral students are not only encouraged to utilize the academic resources available at UC Berkeley, but are also required to include a non-GTU scholar on their examination or dissertation committees.

All degree-seeking students at GTU may take any course offered at UC Berkeley and enjoy visiting and borrowing privileges at UC Berkeley and Stanford libraries. Buy fake Graduate Theological Union certificate, How long does it take to buy a GTU degree online? Only doctoral students may enroll in UCB courses without restriction (subject to course instructor approval). Cross-registration opportunities are also available at California Dominican University, Holy Names University, and Mills College. In addition, students may participate in international exchange programs.